Od září máme v Univerzitce nového člena týmu!
Bc. Kelley Baxley je rodilá mluvčí z USA a od září povede pravidelné dopolední lekce anglického jazyka pro děti. Vždy v úterý a čtvrtek v čase 11.00 – 12.00 hod. bude probíhat kroužek angličtiny pro všechny děti, které o něj budou mít zájem (kroužek je v ceně školkovného, nic navíc se neplatí).
První lekce anglického jazyka s Kelley proběhne ve čtvrtek 10. 9. 2015.
Kromě toho se děti budou s Kelley setkávat i během každodenního provozu ve školce a budou moci vstřebávat anglický jazyk i mimo kroužek.
Využijte tuto možnost, kdy se děti naučí hravou formou komunikovat přirozeně anglicky a orientovat se v běžných životních situacích, kdy je na blízku jen anglicky mluvící osoba.
“I began working with young children at the age of 14, as a nanny for various families as well as volunteering in a church nursery and as a youth basketball coach. During University I worked for an after school program and in a special needs classroom for students ages 5-12.
I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Kansas State University in 2008, with additional certifications in English for Speakers of other Languages and Special Education. This included hands-on experience with children in each age group from infants to 5 years and a 16 week supervised teaching residency.
Since receiving my diploma, I have spent one year working in a private school with infants and toddlers (ages 6 weeks – 3 years old) and four years as a classroom teacher for children with special needs and English Language Learners ages 3-5 in public schools in the U.S. I have attended multiple national conferences focused on professional development and learning new techniques in Early Childhood Education. I am passionate about working with children who are learning English and who come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and since 2013, I have been employed in International Schools in the Czech Republic and Germany working with students ages 3-5.
I believe that developmentally appropriate, child-centered education in the early years makes a huge difference in the lives of young children and I am excited to be a part of the Skolka Univerzitka team.”